perjantai 19. kesäkuuta 2009

First release under construction

I thought I would have made a new prototype like the previous one. Instead I realized it would be much better to make a standalone extension which would be ./configured made and make installed.
So now I will not touch the source code but learn how to wrap the thing up.

The release-version will be able to import ripped songs to media-library, but there is still work to be done to the UI (which I won't fix in this release).

Currently know issues:
- rec-button should be toggle. Now user doesn't know if the thing is recording
- I feel there shouldn't be a separate fetch-window. Just add genre-combobox to the main-UI?
- fetching from shoutcast in separate thread. Now the whole UI is stuck while querying is being done
- A statusbar would be nice to inform if a query is being done or whether currently listened song is being ripped or skipped (when you start listening to a stream you don't hear the whole song and it's being skipped)

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