perjantai 21. elokuuta 2009

Fixing and wrapping stuff up

I was away for weekend and when I got back I had a nice surprise waiting. Bertrand had reviewed my code, fixed some things. I am especially thankful for help with my mangled autotools-scripts. Yes they still give me headache. These fixes were for stationfetcher and I could easily apply the fixes for streamripper too.

The blog has now two more links for tarballs that you can download and install. The installation process is somewhat usual:

./configure --enable-user-extension
make install

There isn't anymore too much time anymore. Actually a bit more than a week. I think in this time I will add finnish translation to both extensions and have streamrippers configuration dialog more like it should be by gnomes design-documentation. One more thing is to start thinking about a video-presentation that I have to make about this project.

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